Understanding health insurance in 2024 proservices June 6, 2024

Understanding health insurance in 2024

Health insurance plays a crucial role in safeguarding individuals by providing financial protection against the costs of medical care. By alleviating the substantial out-of-pocket costs associated with medical expenses, it can provide financial security and allow individuals to access necessary healthcare without facing catastrophic financial consequences. Additionally, health insurance promotes timely and appropriate medical care, encouraging regular check-ups, preventive services, and early intervention.

Having access to health insurance in Dubai can enhance patient access to specialized care through networks of healthcare providers, including specialists and hospitals. This access leads to improved diagnosis and treatment outcomes, indispensable for individual well-being and community health.

To understand health insurance is important to make a clear distinction between the various types of packages and policies available. At Time & Motion, our specialist PRO agents can advise you on finding a DHA Approved Insurance Provider as part of your residency application. In this article we will look at what packages are best for each individual’s needs, how to choose the right health insurance company and what the industry trends and forecasts are in the years to come.

The Importance of Health Insurance

With access to premium health insurance, individuals are more likely to seek timely and appropriate medical care. Most health insurance packages in fact promote a proactive approach to healthcare, reducing the likelihood of serious illnesses or complications through regular check-ups, preventive services, and early intervention.

The top three factors for considering health insurance in Dubai are:

Preventive services – often covered by health insurance providers, they further encourage individuals to undergo screenings and vaccinations, ultimately reducing overall healthcare costs and improving long-term health. Many health insurance providers in Dubai offer plans with preventive services at no additional cost to the insured.

Wellness programs – These initiatives may include discounts on gym memberships, access to health coaching and educational materials on nutrition and exercise. Such programs aim to prevent chronic illnesses and promote overall well-being.

Legal mandates – The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) has passed a legislation in 2023 which made health insurance mandatory for every person residing in Dubai. Also referred to as Dubai Health Insurance Law (DHIL), this has made health insurance mandatory. By ensuring widespread health insurance coverage, societies can better manage public health challenges and epidemics.

The Dubai Health Authority has a list of approved health insurance providers, and residents are required to choose plans from these approved providers. Our PRO agents can assist you in the process of researching health insurance providers and finding the best one for your needs. One of the prerequisites for living and working in Dubai is indeed to obtain valid health insurance so when discussing Dubai visas and permits options we will always ensure to give you the best advice on that too.

Health insurance helps mitigate the financial burden associated with medical expenses, covering for doctor visits, hospital stays, medications, and various medical procedures, therefore providing individuals with a safety net. Some insurance companies in Dubai also benefit from risk pooling, allowing them to spread the financial risk across a large pool of policyholders and stabilize premiums. This also ensures that individuals facing high medical costs are not left to bear the burden alone.

Most health insurance providers in Dubai offer access to a network of healthcare providers, including specialists and hospitals, leading to improved diagnosis and treatment outcomes.

CNN reported that 40% of global health insurance companies have expanded their offerings to include “telehealth” services, including general and specialized medical care, mental and behavioral health programs, and prescription resources. This marked a major shift in coverage priorities, reflecting telehealth’s growing role in how healthcare is delivered — a trend that’s expected to continue in 2024. As expenses increase, providers often have little choice but to pass these higher costs to insurance companies, ultimately resulting in higher insurance premiums for consumers.

In 2024, consumers are expected to seek out insurers that keep their costs and premiums reasonable without compromising quality, even as overall healthcare costs increase.

Health Insurance Packages

Choosing from a broad range of health insurance packages offers individuals and groups the flexibility to tailor coverage to their specific needs and preferences. With a diverse selection of health insurance in Dubai, individuals or groups can choose plans that align with their unique healthcare needs. This customization ensures that policyholders are covered for the specific medical services and treatments that matter most to them.

Different health insurance packages come with varying premium costs, deductibles, and copayments, so there will be a plan for every budget – from the most basic plan to broader health insurance options including a more extensive network of healthcare providers and services. The variety available on the market is also ideal for individuals or groups who have specific healthcare needs or preferences, as it enables them to choose plans that offer specialized coverage. This customization principle also applies to life stages, as most of the health insurance providers in Dubai allow individuals or groups to adapt their coverage as their circumstances change.

Employers providing health insurance for groups can choose from a variety of plans that suit the diverse needs of their workforce. This flexibility can contribute to employee satisfaction, attract top talent, and support the overall well-being of the workforce. Thanks to such a wide range of health insurance options available, consumers have the ability to compare and choose plans that best align with their priorities. This promotes a competitive market, encouraging insurance providers to innovate and improve their offerings.

Getting Started with Health Insurance

Tailoring a health insurance package involves a systematic process of customizing coverage to meet the specific healthcare needs and preferences of individuals or groups.

The process typically includes the following key steps:


This may involve considering factors such as age, health status, medical history, lifestyle, and any pre-existing conditions.


Consider factors like premium costs, deductibles, copayments, and out-of-pocket maximums.


Select the types of coverage needed considering any specific health concerns or preferences for alternative therapies.

Financial responsibility

Higher deductibles typically result in lower premium costs. Evaluate copayments for various services to understand the cost-sharing structure.

Understand the policy limits and exclusions and ensure that the selected plan aligns with specific health requirements. Pay attention to coverage limits, exclusions, renewal terms, and any restrictions that may affect the ability to make claims. Clarify any uncertainties with the insurance provider.

For complex decisions on health insurance in Dubai, consider seeking professional advice. These experts can provide insights, answer questions, and help navigate the details of various health insurance packages.

Why Choose Time & Motion for Health Insurance in Dubai

According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, over 15.3 million people have signed up for Health Insurance plans in states that use HealthCare.gov, an impressive 33% increase compared to this time last year.

As enrollment grows, health insurance coverage continues to evolve, with important changes planned in 2024, such as more choices, improved shopping tools and more providers.

Accessing health insurance in Dubai offers several advantages, so at Time & Motion we make it our priority to guide you in your search for the perfect insurance provider as part of our Dubai license and visa services. Leading health insurance providers often offer comprehensive coverage that includes a wide array of healthcare services, allowing individuals to benefit from well-rounded coverage from an established network of high-quality healthcare providers, doctors and clinics. This ensures that policyholders have access to a diverse and reliable set of medical professionals, enhancing the overall quality of healthcare services.

Choosing a health insurance package from a reputable company provides a sense of financial stability and security. Leading insurers are often financially robust, reducing the risk of financial instability or challenges in meeting policyholder claims. Additionally, well-established health insurance providers understand the diverse needs of their customers and offer a range of insurance packages with customizable features. Policyholders can choose from various options to tailor their coverage based on requirements, ensuring that the plan aligns with their specific health priorities.

Established health insurance providers often invest in innovative services and technologies to enhance the overall healthcare experience. This may include telemedicine services, digital platforms for claims processing, wellness programs, and other tools that add convenience and efficiency to the healthcare process. The same level of efficiency is also to be expected for claims and reimbursements. This means that policyholders can expect timely reimbursement for covered medical expenses, reducing any financial strain associated with healthcare costs. Reputable health insurance companies in Dubai provide robust customer support services to assist policyholders with inquiries, claim processing, and general guidance.

Lastly, it’s also common for top-tier health insurance companies to offer additional benefits and perks beyond basic coverage, such as exclusive discounts on health-related products and access to fitness facilities.

Choosing a reputable insurance provider in Dubai ensures that individuals or groups receive the necessary support and coverage for their unique health needs.

Key Trends and Statistics for Health Insurance in 2024

Premium Increases

Several factors contribute to changes in health insurance premiums, and these can vary from year to year. KFF reports that ACA Marketplace insurers are requesting a median premium increase of 6% for 2024. Insurers’ proposed rate changes – most of which fall between 2% and 10% – may change during the review process. Premium increases could result in higher federal spending on subsidies, and insurers cite price increases for medical care and prescription drugs as a key driver of premium growth in 2024.

In addition to inflation’s impact on medical costs, the utilization of healthcare has also started showing some growth since falling to below-normal levels in 2020.

The overall trend in medical costs – including the cost of healthcare services and prescription medications – can significantly impact insurance premiums. Similarly, shifts in the demographics of the insured population, such as changes in age distribution or an increase in the number of individuals with chronic conditions, can also influence premium rates.

Beyond community health, there are other factors that may contribute to the rise of premium costs. The level of competition among insurers for instance can affect premium pricing, as increased competition may lead to more stable or lower premiums. Economic conditions like inflation and overall economic growth, can also have indirect effects on healthcare costs and subsequently influence premium adjustments.

Lastly, changes in government policies, regulations, or the legal landscape can impact health insurance premiums. So can unexpected public health events – such as pandemics or widespread health crises – which introduce uncertainties and potentially impact healthcare utilization and costs.

Inflation’s Impact

The impact of inflation on the broader economy has driven up input costs in healthcare significantly. As a direct result, the likelihood of continued labor shortages in healthcare means that higher inflation could persist, affecting employers, government payers, and consumers. At present, the increase in healthcare input costs is being felt primarily by providers, as it can take several years before the impact of inflation is felt by payers in government lines of business.

In commercial lines of business, providers’ ability to pass on increased costs is governed by contracting life cycles and by the outcome of negotiations, so it’s expected to take one to three years for incremental costs associated with the commercial population to flow from providers to payers. Payers’ ability to pass these costs onto employers will be linked to bid cycles, with the first major impact likely occurring in the 2024 pricing cycle (to be negotiated in 2023). Employers, in turn, will then face the choice of bearing these increased costs or, as is more likely, passing more costs onto employees.

COVID-19’s Influence

In January 2023, the Biden Administration announced its intent to end the national emergency and public health emergency related to the COVID-19 pandemic. These emergency declarations have been in place since early 2020, and gave the federal government flexibility to waive or modify certain requirements in a range of areas.

Below, is a list of the major health-related COVID-19 federal emergency declarations that have been made by the Biden administration:

  • Coverage, costs, and payment for COVID-19 testing, treatments, and vaccines
  • Medicaid coverage and federal match rates
  • Telehealth
  • Other Medicaid and CHIP flexibilities
  • Other Medicare payment and coverage flexibilities
  • Other private insurance coverage flexibilities
  • Access to medical countermeasures (vaccines, tests, and treatments) through FDA emergency use authorization (EUA)
  • Liability immunity to administer medical countermeasures

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted health insurance in Dubai and on a global scale by increasing demand due to heightened awareness of healthcare risks. Insurers adjusted policies to cover COVID-19-related expenses, and telehealth services gained popularity. The long-term effects, including changes in consumer behavior and telehealth adoption, are still unfolding, prompting insurers to reassess risk models.

Impact of Unwinding Medicaid Continuous Enrollment

Medicaid is a joint federal and state program in the United States that provides health coverage for low-income individuals and families. It is the largest source of health coverage for individuals with low income in the country, administered by states according to federal requirements, and designed to be a safety net for people who may not have access to affordable health insurance through other means.

Medicaid’s enrollment increased since the start of the pandemic, primarily due to the continuous enrollment provision. KFF estimates that between 8 million and 24 million people will lose Medicaid coverage during the unwinding of the continuous enrollment provision. Maximizing streamlined renewal processes can promote continuity of coverage as states unwind the continuous enrollment provision.

States have obtained temporary waivers to pursue strategies to support their unwinding plans, and can partner with MCOs, community health centers, and other partners to conduct outreach.

Certain groups may be at greater risk of losing Medicaid coverage during the unwinding period, contributing to the growing number of people without health insurance and unable to transition to other coverage.

Costs for Employers

A report by Let’s Get Checked shows a rise in employer healthcare costs, with medical providers pushing insurers for larger cost increases to account for the higher costs of wages and supplies. Although inflation is subsiding, the impact of last year’s peak has been delayed since contracts between insurers and medical providers are typically locked in for several years.

Furthermore, after several years of deferring utilization during the COVID-19 pandemic, more people are going back to the doctor, with many contending with chronic and more expensive conditions that have been exacerbated by delayed care. Over two-thirds of employers either do not plan to shift any cost increase to their staff or will pass on less than the expected rise in 2024. While companies plan to take on most of the cost increase, many workers could also feel the impact in the form of higher premiums and out-of-pocket costs for care.

In conclusion

Health insurance is vital for individuals and communities, providing financial protection and access to essential healthcare services. It plays a pivotal role in safeguarding individuals from the financial burdens associated with medical expenses and ensures access to quality healthcare services, encourages preventive care, and contributes to overall well-being. By mitigating financial risks and promoting a proactive approach to health, insurance helps individuals manage healthcare costs and maintain their health.

Consider your unique needs and explore the diverse options for health insurance in Dubai. Your well-being is an invaluable asset, and securing the right insurance coverage in Dubai is a crucial step towards ensuring financial protection and access to quality healthcare services.

Employers in Dubai are generally responsible for providing health insurance coverage for their employees. This is often part of the employment contract, and employers are required to offer a basic level of health insurance. If you are not covered by your employer’s health insurance, you, as an individual resident, are responsible for obtaining health insurance coverage. This applies to freelancers, self-employed individuals, and those not covered by employer-provided insurance. At Time & Motion, we can assist you in your search for the right health insurance provider, ensuring you have access to the right care and comply with the rules and regulations put in place by the Dubai Health Authority.

Get in touch with our team of expert PRO agents today to discuss your needs.